I’m exhausted, physical and mentally. My brain is super fried right now. I have a lot hate/relationship with my story. Mostly, I feel like Alec, Carissa (the two main characters in my book) and I’s marriage is in a bit of rut. We may need to renew our vows or something. Or maybe we just need some alone time together after I get over 7 hours of sleep.

Last night, nothing made sense and I wanted to have a Waiting to Exhale moment on my laptop. You remember that movie, right?

Let it burn!

But those are the moments when I remind myself that I am very much like a toddler. When I don’t get enough sleep and I’m up on my feet all day, I get weepy and fussy. Things get to me that normally I let roll off my back, cause me to beast out in dramatic fashion. On top of that my mind feels like it short circuited.

I didn’t have time to plan out the scenes I was going to write yesterday (crazy busy day) and if you read my other posts, I’ve learned through this process of NaNoWriMo that it’s a must. Going into your scenes not only knowing what’s supposed to happen but having a plan:

Setting —> Goal —> Plan —> Disaster

will allow you to either follow your plotted plan or pants your behind off while maintaining a sense of control. Though that’s working well for me, it’s clear that December will become DeEdiMyNoMo






Yeah I made that up. Yeah, it’s corny. It doesn’t make it any less truth. Though it feels like I just came off the griddle at Miss Shirley’s, I know the real work begins after. So when you see me in December I may look a little different. Make sure you perk me up and don’t let me fry alone.


More frying anticipated


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