Two questions:

  1. Do you know what it’s like to live with two people who don’t care what you’re doing, if you’re working, trying to get some sleep, too tired to engage them or even if you have a raging headache?


  1. Do you know what it’s like to live with two people who will do what they want no matter what you say or want them to do?

I do.

No, I don’t have children. And no, I’m not talking about Bruno (my cat) and Mami (my mom). Though, I must say…Nah I’m not getting in trouble.

I wake up with these two people, spend the day with them, come home to them, and go to sleep while they do what they do. I know your mind is probably taking the salacious route right about now. Hey, nothing wrong with that. At all. You’re into what you’re into.

Do you ever just want to to scream….

But I’m talking about two annoying, interesting, crazy, funny beings who make my life joyful and hellish depending on the moment. I’m talking about my characters.

These two characters infiltrate books that are not theirs, they choose to talk when I need to be paying attention to something else, spend the day playing out the most emotional of scenes. They have me almost in tears but when I sit in front of my laptop at the end of a long emotional day (because they made it so), they just want to get it on, bone, get physical, bomchicawahwah.

I can fight them. I can tell them to play the scene that brought me to tears, in essence force them.

But I’ll never win. They will have their way. Because they had a long tough day just like me and they want to release the normal way humans comfort each other and satisfy physiological need.

So I let them get it on, because it’s easier to let them have their way so in the end they let me do what needs to be done. In the process, I found out something about them. They let me see vulnerabilities I didn’t before. Yes, I know them. After all, they’re mine. But they revealed things I didn’t see before that trumped what I had planned but in the end I think works a lot better. Gives me more to write but when do they ever aim to make my life easier?

So, have you ever let your characters get their way? If so, what happened? Did you learn something new about them? Please share!

2 Responses

  1. Excellent topic! Mine are invading more and more, and certainly as I’m writing, will go in an unintended direction. The first time that happened I was shocked. I’d heard of it but wasn’t sure I bought it… I’m not creative enough for mine to get hot and heavy – or maybe that’s what 23 years of marriage does – speaking of getting in trouble!

    Can’t wait to read about your characters!

  2. Hey Tammy!

    You are hilarious! Yes, don’t get in trouble.

    I was shocked too the first time this happened and a bit weirded out. I am able to hear channel my characters and there is one I was really in tune with but nothing like this. With these two I am completely connected and I don’t know if because of that, I can write their emotions so much easier.

    I’ll have to share these with you soon!

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