Moving past it

We all have dreams and sometimes while working on those dreams, we become stagnant and make excuses. We tell ourselves we’re going slow because we’re being cautious or dotting all our I’s, but it’s fear that’s paralyzing us. Sometimes you don’t move fast enough and a dare against, yourself — a sudden decision that seemingly […]

The holidays are threatening

I’ve struggled with my weight for years. I’ve gone on diets and exercise binges and lost the weight only to put it back through emotional ups and downs, plain ole laziness or just pure, raw everlasting love for the carbs and sweets. I’ve made bad relationship decisions in the past but none more evident than […]

51, 424 makes me a winner… but?

November first I started the grueling challenge that is NaNoWriMo. A few minutes ago, 28 days later, I finished with 51,424. It’s been exhausting and wow, how did I deny myself so many things without going nuts? I thought I would be jumping for joy, up to the moment when I needed only 500 to […]

40,013 Reasons to Celebrate

So yes, yes yes. I made it past 40,000 and omg this is something! Kicking and screaming, I forced myself to sit down and write. I took lots of breaks, I’m not going to lie, but I caught up today. After missing parties and other fun hangouts, Thank God! It was like a writer’s existential […]

Fresh off the griddle

I’m exhausted, physical and mentally. My brain is super fried right now. I have a lot hate/relationship with my story. Mostly, I feel like Alec, Carissa (the two main characters in my book) and I’s marriage is in a bit of rut. We may need to renew our vows or something. Or maybe we just […]

At midpoint, ornery, tired but getting there

It’s been 16 days, since NaNoWriMo started. During that time I’ve been: Excited Happy Tired Dazed Blank Ornery (so I’ve been told) Annoyed Annoying Preachy and Undead. Seriously, a few days ago I began developing headaches and I think it was the lack of sun and a vitamin D deficiency. I’ve experience more make-up free days than […]

Starting out with a…oh no I must say that fresh!

Hello and welcome to this page. So it took me months to choose a layout I like to the point that I put the whole thing out of my mind until I was told I need to get this site up and running ASAP! I’ve been working on and off all week but really this […]