Today I was thinking about how I write. it occurred to me that it’s very similar to how I eat. Some of my friends say they can’t trust me to recommend food because I like everything. It’s not, true. Trust me, there’s some stuff I won’t touch…looking at you Okra. But I’m food adventurous. I like trying new dishes from different places and cultures.
My personal believe is that it’s a shame that we live in a country so rich in culture diversity and just stick to eating always what you know or never giving yourself the chance to experience different things.
I try to carry this idea into the way I write. I read tons of writing articles by writers’s and other experts’ advice on how to improve your craft, characterization, plotting methods, etc. I’ll try anything, any method, writing ritual, sprint idea, or suggestion to get the most out of my writing.
I know the things that work for me. I think every writer knows what makes him/her sit in the chair and write. But think about this, Writing unlike baking, is not an exact science.
There is no one way to write succesfully and more than one method may work for you. When writer’s block strikes, I want to be armed with more than one weapon to fight the battle and win.
— Yes, I find myself meditating and praying for illumination during my writing time/sprint/or editing time.
— Yes, I find myself giving my characters permission to come in and to listen to them closely.
— Yes, I’ve taken the first line from a poem to start my next chapter and erased it when I know what my real first line needs to be.
— Yes, sometimes I walk or mop the floors, or hang my head over the edge of the bed, or do other mindless activities to let the ideas come.
— Yes, I de-clutter my office and turn on my oil diffuser (thanks to my friend Marisol for the gift!) to an inspiring scent.
— Yes, I join writing challenges that keep me honest and my eyes on the prize
Why do I do these things? Simply because like I’m food adventurous, I’m also writing-method-adventurous. I shamelessly look for ways to keep the ideas flowing. Every method is an opportunity to beat the clock, get the most out of it and prevent writer’s block. I know writer’s block is an inevitable part of a writer’s life. But when it comes I want to be prepared.
There are so many authors/experts out there looking to help us. Wouldn’t it be a shame not to try what they advise and see how it can be of help?
And by the way, I faced the demon last week and I won. Business plan is done!
Share your tried and true writing methods. I would love to hear them!
Great post. I go for a walk, or go out back and throw a tennis ball for my dogs for a few minutes. Everyone wins and I come back with a clear head and/or a solution to a problem.
I like that so much Tammy! Physical stuff works for me. And your dogs get to participate in the creative process. I should teach my cat to fetch!
Love your adventurousness! I take a bath, lie in the dark (usually putting a kid to bed, but anytime is good), go for a drive, listen to music without lyrics, basically a lot of NOT writing. I’d like to try more writing prompt/exercises to get going and find breakthroughs.
Thanks Kim! You know, I need to try the lie in the dark method. Silence is like an enemy at times. Cultivating silence is on my list. I haven’t tried the bath but I’ve tried the two minute shower when I’m stuck. We can always do sprinting!