The Damned Little Details

Sometimes I just need to share...

Yesterday, a friend and I attended Angelina Lopez’s awesome book release party at One More Page Books. During the author interview portion, Angelina talked about trying to write a book but getting stuck on a minor detail. Her husband asked her why didn’t she just worked on the other aspects of the story and worry […]

Beat the Block: Kick Your Writing Tormentors Where It Hurts

Boss is available now banner

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]riters are weird, quirky people with unique ways of thinking, writing and going about our writing. While some can’t find anything more exciting than a blank page, others are terrified of the zero-word count on Scrivener.   Every time I start a new writing project, the same old doubts surface. Can I do this again? Will […]

The Moments That Live Forever … in the Embarrassing Vault of Memories

Smiling little girl

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]hen something embarrassing happens to you, it feels like you’re the only person in the world. That only you would make that stupid mistake or leave that kind of foolish impression. While on training today, the instructor discussed embarrassing moments and for a second, while he talked, I was treated to a memory slideshow of […]

The Siren Call of Romance

[dropcap type=”square or circle”] W[/dropcap]hen did you first start reading romance? I was asked this question twice last week. I thought about it a lot, especially on my way to a romance pilgrimage with my critique partners Cate Tayler and Laralyn Gill. We attended the author signing at Turn the Page Bookstore. Did I mention it was 15 degrees? […]

Fanfiction Brought My Dream Back

I love fanfiction

I’m thinking fanfiction today, and not only because of my interview with Denny S. Bryce for her Happily Ever After column on USA today, but fanfiction as a gateway to a dream. When Denny asked questions about the fanfiction I love to read and write, I couldn’t help but think back about how it’s been […]

Three Simple Things Prepared Me for NaNoWriMo 2016


November, that special time of the year known as National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo or  aka or NaNo begins this week and with it comes excitement, promise, and worry. I can’t wait to dig into my new story but did I plan well enough? I can’t wait to meet the characters; will I be able […]

Writing and Reading, Better than Killing Furniture

Sometimes the unexpected happens not for your frustration but for your concentration

Writing’s my answer to everything. I already can hear you all screaming. But hear me out here. Sometimes, when something unexpected happens, frustration is almost an automatic response. It’s only normal. Using a writing analogy, you had an objective, a desire and something is trying to stop you from getting what you want. It could […]

Wanna Write longer, faster? Try Different Things

Today I was thinking about how I write. it occurred to me that it’s very similar to how I eat. Some of my friends say they can’t trust me to recommend food because I like everything. It’s not, true. Trust me, there’s some stuff I won’t touch…looking at you Okra. But I’m food adventurous. I like […]