****Please notice this is an uncorrected excerpt. 


Some Nights is J. L. Lora's next stand-alone novelThe shower is running and so am I…to the window, back to the bed, and back to the window again. My skin still buzzing from his touch and my nipples are painful rocks straining against my terrycloth robe. My feet keep trying to pull me toward the bathroom. I tiptoe past the bathroom door to the closet. I can see him in the mirror, his big hands lathering his torso in fast, efficient strokes.

Oh Jesus. Sweet, Divine Niño Jesús. What did I get myself into?

I didn’t expect him to come here. I know, I invited him but I’m not his type. But he touched me like I could be. His hands tight on my ass and his teeth at my neck and…I bite my lip and hurry back to the other side.

I need to send him home. I don’t owe David a damned thing, but this is not me. I don’t invite strangers into my room to…

Fuck? Cause he’s here to fuck you, Saona.

The flash of need is almost painful and the pulse strong and vibrant between my legs. I back away until my ass plops on the bed.

He’s here to fuck me.

What am I going to do? But no matter how many times I ask myself, the urgency grows and grows and my hand glides over my breast, sliding down my body and I know. My hand is not going to make it better. My body won’t be sated with the circling attention of my own fingers and it shouldn’t have to. There’s a big, hot and hard bartender here to take care of me. I just need to let him. Let him please. A moan flies out from my lips.

“Don’t start without me.”

 My head snaps up, the pulse back at my chest. He’s naked except for the towel snugged around his hips. There are miles of chest, a long valley of torso, and the full paw of a black animal tattoo curling around his shoulder. It’s a stark and beautiful contrast on golden tanned skin. He’s a few feet away but his eyes are not on me. His gaze is fixed somewhere low on my body where my hand is entrenched between my legs.

I make to yank it out but he starts walking toward me and I’m frozen with a hand on my crotch, my mouth wide open, and not a thought in sight but fuck me. Fuck me now. Fuck me hard. Fuck me so good until I black out.

He stands in front of me. “Bad girl. I want to be the one to do that.”

I’ve never been called a bad girl before. But I could be a bad girl for him. My butt squirms on the bed. I fixate on his towel, on the way it clings to his hips and I want to see all of him. I hook my fingers where the ends meet, and I undo them.

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Some Nights- Copyright © 2018 J. L. Lora. All Rights Reserved.