J. L. Lora es una autora dominico-americana.

jL lora


I write to exorcise the stories playing in my head and move my heart. My characters are as real as the people walking around me and their stories combine passion and humor with hard topics. My stories explore the dark side of good characters, people who are backed into corners, and how they react to it.


I was born in the Dominican Republic and came to the United States just as I turned into a teenager. The change of life combined with the awkward (and I mean seriously awkward) teenage years, made for a hard transition. But I found solace in the Yonkers Public Library, where I discovered Johanna Lindsay and Jude Deveraux. Nothing has been the same since.


Writing has always been a passion, ever since my 5th-grade poem to mothers everywhere. In my spare time, I write poetry, fanfiction, and short stories. And of course, read.

My dream was always to be a writer. Now I’m working on that. By day I write publications, articles, and blog entries to pay the bills. During my evenings I work in pursuit of the dream by writing bad-ass, in-control heroines, and heroes that make your heart pound fast fast fast.

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